Server Guide#

Bootstrap a Server#

Unless otherwise required all machines operated by the PSF Salt infrastructure should be running Ubuntu 14.04 and they will have their configuration managed by psf-salt. Each machine should be given a hostname which matches the pattern where serviceN is replaced by a service name (such as pg) and a unique number, and dc is replaced by the PSF DC identifier for the DC that this machine is in. A full example would be You’ll need to add this hostname to pillar/prod/roles.sls and pillar/dev/roles.sls to put the machine in the correct configuration nodegroup.

Once you have a machine, you can bootstrap it by simply executing inv salt.bootstrap <public address>. This will SSH into the machine, install all the required software, register it with the salt master and run highstate on it. Within 15 minutes the salt master will also setup the DNS for the machine and it will live at the hostname that you have given it at the domain.